Submit Your Model!

Submit your model!: If you're a kid like me who loves to build Lego models, you can email some photos of your creations to, along with a description of your model. My dad and I will post some of the better submissions for everyone to enjoy!

(BTW: Please DON'T send any personal information, and make sure the photos show only the Lego models--photos with faces will NOT be posted.)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's Up

Here are some tablescraps I've been working on lately. First up is a micro-scale helicopter, the AH-103 (or Lark). Next is an Appa that I'm building for my "The Last Airbender" minifigs. Then, I have some miniland-scale ninjas, based off of the ninja's characteristics from Ninjago. And as you can see, my room is a wreck. I'm gonna try to clean it by Christmas. If that's possible.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmmm, I don't know if I could clean THAT up by Christmas. well, that's just me, I guess
