Submit Your Model!

Submit your model!: If you're a kid like me who loves to build Lego models, you can email some photos of your creations to, along with a description of your model. My dad and I will post some of the better submissions for everyone to enjoy!

(BTW: Please DON'T send any personal information, and make sure the photos show only the Lego models--photos with faces will NOT be posted.)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pictures for those of you who can't figure out how to view them

(This goes partly for you, Candyshark) 2011 Lego sets: (sorry, I can't figure out how to upload pics from Flikr)

Pirates of the Carribean:
The Cannibal Escape
Captain's Cabin
Alien Conquest:
Earth Defence HQ
Alien Mothership
Harry Potter:
Battle for Hogwarts
The Forbbiden Forest
Hero Factory:
Witch Doctor
Nex 3.0
Lego Games:
Ninjago Temple

I might post more later, but for now, bye!


  1. I mean, come on, it's not my fault I'm homeschooed! (I did that on purpose) :)

  2. Huh? What did you do on purpose?
