Submit Your Model!

Submit your model!: If you're a kid like me who loves to build Lego models, you can email some photos of your creations to, along with a description of your model. My dad and I will post some of the better submissions for everyone to enjoy!

(BTW: Please DON'T send any personal information, and make sure the photos show only the Lego models--photos with faces will NOT be posted.)

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have some interesting blogs and websites I would like to show to everyone. First up is my favorite, The Brothers Brick . Sometimes, you can't get to it, so type "lego blog" into Google, and click "cached" on the first thing that comes up. Next is Brickforge . They have tons of custom parts. same with Brickarms , except they sell mostly weapons for minifigures. Last, but not least is Brickfactory . They have a bunch of free instructions for both actual Lego sets, and custom sets.


Yes, I have FINALLY updated my blog. not that many people still look at it because it has become a bore. (If any of you remember, the last title was UUHHHH...) Anyway, I'll start with something good. Here's an old wild west model. It has all the normal wild west stuff, like a gunfight in the saloon, a bank robbery, and a general store. I would add more pictures, but the PC just isn't working well right now.