Submit Your Model!

Submit your model!: If you're a kid like me who loves to build Lego models, you can email some photos of your creations to, along with a description of your model. My dad and I will post some of the better submissions for everyone to enjoy!

(BTW: Please DON'T send any personal information, and make sure the photos show only the Lego models--photos with faces will NOT be posted.)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Last Post :(

This is my last post on this blog. I just can never get around to posting here. None of my models seem to get appreciated by anyone other than people I know in real life. So, I started an MOC pages account! On MOC pages my models DO get comments and ratings from other people. So, I'm going to redirect you to my MOC pages account. Here's the link: My home page. I may post models that you've seen on this blog there, but so for, most of mine have been new. I'm going to keep this blog up, so that you can still look at my old creations, but I'm not going to post anymore. I hope you all understand. See ya!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hardcore Hardsuit (And I'm Back!!!)

I've finally posted something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I went a bit overboard with the photoshop on this one. But, it looks cool, so enjoy! I built it myself, along with a ton of other hardsuits. Originally, this was slightly different, but I altered the look so now it's Japanese. Also, I built some other Japanese Sci-Fi models to go along with this one. That's all!
                                   P.S. Let's hope that now I can get into a regular habit of posting  ;)

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Sorry that I haven't been posting lately, and that it took me so long to post the winner to the pirate contest. Actually, I only had one entry, so... here it is:

It's an imperial fort about to be ambushed by pirates. Enough said.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Homemade Brickarms

Yeah, I'm FINALLY posting. I've been very busy with school and stuff and hardly ever have a chance to get on the computer. Well, I'm updating it. With more homemade stuff. Well, I found some white clay, cut up some Lego parts >: D, stuck it in the oven, then covered it in color using sharpies and came up with these. The first uses a bipod that I made, the second is a Pokemon trainer with a Pikachu and a Charmander (you can stick a flame piece in the Charmander's mouth to make it look like it's using flamethrower) The third is a secret agent guy with a tiny pistol that fits in the suitcase, and the last is holding both some kind of machine gun and a "Pineapple" MKII fragmentation grenade. It took about an hour and a half to make these. The Lego pieces that I used for the handles and stuff didn't melt or deform in the oven. Anyway, that's about all! :)

P.S. I will post the pirate contest winner (only 1 person entered... Yippee!) soon. As his prize, I'm sending him some of these homemade weapons.

Monday, February 28, 2011


     Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. But I'm working on some new models which I'll post asap. Not much else to say.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Over 1000 Pageviews!

 (See title) ^-^ So yeah. People from all over the world have looked at this blog. So... That's about it. Bye!    

P.S. Sorry that I haven't been posting any original models lately. I've been kind of busy.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pictures for those of you who can't figure out how to view them

(This goes partly for you, Candyshark) 2011 Lego sets: (sorry, I can't figure out how to upload pics from Flikr)

Pirates of the Carribean:
The Cannibal Escape
Captain's Cabin
Alien Conquest:
Earth Defence HQ
Alien Mothership
Harry Potter:
Battle for Hogwarts
The Forbbiden Forest
Hero Factory:
Witch Doctor
Nex 3.0
Lego Games:
Ninjago Temple

I might post more later, but for now, bye!

Monday, February 7, 2011

CONTEST!!!!!!!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Generation Brick's second contest. Just so you know, no one entered the last contest, so I got to keep the minifig. This time, the contest is pirate themed. Build a pirate or imperial (not as in Star Wars) model, and email me a picture and description of the model. Only original models will be accepted, and no faces can be in the picture. Entries must be received by March 31st. I will post pictures of the top three Models on this blog. The winner will receive a prize, I'm not sure what yet, but it will be better than before. Happy building!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Links

I have some more links. First up is BattleBricks, Where they build and fight mindstorms robots and other stuff. Next is  Brick Commander, Where there are a TON of cool models.

Set Review: Surge 2.0 and Nex 2.0

I went to Toysrus and bought the new Lego Hero Factory sets Surge 2.0 (blue) and Nex 2.0 (orange). They are DEFINITELY better than old Hero Factory sets, mostly because they have tons more pieces and have flexible knees and elbows. As you can see, the basic figure without armor (the "endoskeleton" )  looks kind of wimpy. Most of the limb and body parts have ball joints so that the armor (Which have socket joints) can easily clip on. This way you can rearrange the armor and swap it with other 2011 Hero Factory sets. I don't think that you have to worry about the socket joints breaking, because they beefed up on the plastic on most pieces. Also, the hands now have five fingers. The Hero Cores are slightly different than the old ones, and are not compatible with the old Heroes. The body armor for these two is white and clips on like normal armor. But then there is a chest plate that holds the hero core which attaches on using two pegs the size of handles on Minifigure accessories. The basic head looks like it had the top chopped off, and the headgear attaches onto it the same way the chest plate does to the body. Then you put the top helmet on (although it can't attach on unless you have headgear on). The reason I bought both Surge and Nex was so that I could combine them. Each canister has a picture of what they look like combined, so I used that. Each Hero is about a centimeter taller than the old Heroes, but they cost the same amount of money ($7.99) so I'm not complaining. I think that just about wraps it up. If you have any questions, post a comment.

Homemade Pharaoh's Quest Sets: Scorpion Pyramid

Due to uh... popular demand, I have posted this model of the Scorpion Pyramid set. This was before I had any Pharaoh's quest sets. Currently, I have only the Flying Mummy Attack. In the first pic, I have a view of the front, with half-track and giant scorpion. Next, I have the interior with falling rocks, a slashing sword, and a hidden hat-thing. Third, this is how the Pharaoh's sarcophagus comes out. Actually, It doesn't work that well. Then last, we have our hero getting pummeled by all of the traps.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm FINALLY Updating My Blog

...With pics of later 2011 lego sets!!!!!!!!! Including new pics of summer NINJAGO sets! First, here's the link to Brickipedia, 2011. Click on some of the set names to see a more detailed description and possibly pictures: Brickipedia